About Us

Ambrosial Kitchen provides high-quality lunchtime buffet food (known as hlaðborð in Icelandic) from two venues in Reykjavik. Whilst mainly servicing business professionals operating from the buildings we are located in, we also welcome locals and tourists to visit us during our trading hours. We are open to everyone, and we encourage you to come and try our delicious, fresh selection of food straight from the kitchen. 

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Our Story

Globally Inspired Food, with a Smile

Starting out as "Glenn's Kitchen" in 2021 from Katrinatun, Reykjavik, Iceland, led by our Kiwi founder and head chef, Glenn Moyle, we transitioned to the name Ambrosial Kitchen in 2023 to mark our expansion into a multi-venue business with locations in Katrinatun 4 and Dalvegur 30.

Ambrosial means "exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; especially delicious or fragrant" and "worthy of the gods; divine." "Brosa" in Icelandic also means "to smile," so we thought this was the perfect name to convey our plans to offer incredible food, with a smile. 

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About Founder

Meet - Glenn Moyle

Glenn, the culinary king behind the business, has been a chef his whole life.  Leaving New Zealand at the age of 21 to play water polo in Holland, Glenn travelled the world, spending extended periods in a wide range of countries where he cheffed at a wide range of establishments including pubs in London frequented by Prince's William & Harry, castles in Scotland where he had an unlimited budget, cafes in the Greek Islands serving young travellers, as well as stints in Denmark, Norway, Australia, Honduras and many more. 

Arriving in Iceland in 2003 for a summer of cheffing, he stayed on. Outside of the kitchen, he is very active in the Icelandic water polo and CrossFit scenes, and because of his fitness background, the food reflects this, making it a true "nutritional heaven." Glenn is supported by a team from all over the world, including France, Greece, Hungary, Turkey, Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, Poland, Spain, and Iran.

Together, each day they take diners on a culinary adventure around the world. One day you may be enjoying some authentic Asian eats, the next Italian, traditional English and more.

Clients reviews

"Ambrosial Kitchen consistently delivers delicious and satisfying meals that everyone looks forward to. The variety of dishes ensures there's always something for every taste, and the quality is excellent. The staff is friendly and attentive, making lunchtime an enjoyable experience for all. Highly recommend it!"

Bjarki Guðmundsson

15 october 2024

Ambrosial Kitchen er veitingastaður fyrir sælkera
Það er mikils virði að hafa slíkan stað í nágrenninu sem býður upp á fjölbreyttan og hollan mat úr ferskum hráefnum.
Hann er það góður að við hjá GRID höfum bent á Ambrosial Kitchen sem einn af kostum þess að hefja störf hjá félaginu

Þorsteinn Yngvi Guðmundsson
Co-founder, VP Operations & Finance

15 october 2024

Ambrosial Kitchen delivers lunch with an edge. Fresh flavors, serious quality, and always on time. It’s like a backstage pass to great food every day.

Metal Greetings - Alli Metall

3 november , 2024

We’ve been using Ambrosial Kitchen for our office meals for the past year, and we couldn’t be happier with their service! Their food is consistently delicious and healthy, which is important to us, and they offer a great variety of options that keep everyone satisfied. The staff is always professional, friendly, and they deliver everything on time with a smile. You can tell they take pride in what they do, and their positive attitude makes each delivery a pleasure.

Their commitment to quality and customer service has exceeded our expectations, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with them. Highly recommend them to any business or group looking for excellent catering!

Darri Konn
CTO @ NeckCare

15 october 2024

RB flutti á Dalveg 30 í september 2023 og frá þeim tíma hefur það staðið starfsfólki til boða að fara í morgun- og hádegismat á Ambrosial Kitchen sem er staðsett á 1. hæð í byggingunni.

Frá upphafi hefur verið ánægja með matinn sem er boðið upp á og ekki síst þjónustuna en starfsfólk þar leggur sig fram um að bregðast við ábendingum og óskum viðskiptavina.

Staðurinn sjálfur er hlýlegur og þar ríkir notalegt og gott andrúmsloft.


15 october 2024

"After exploring several food services for our company, we can confidently say that Ambrosial Kitchen has exceeded our expectations. The food quality is consistently great, offering a diverse menu that caters to all dietary preferences. Deliveries are always on time and any inquiries or requests are handled swiftly and professionally."

18 october , 2024

Our Team

We are proud of our great team. Below you can browse through the profiles of our people.

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Katarzyna Bogun
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Richard Germain
sous chef
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Monica Mangue Ada
kitchen assistant
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Andrei Onishchenko
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Themis Anergos
sous chef
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Joanna Donocik
kitchen assistant
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Olha Ivaniv
Kitchen assistant
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Lörinc Farkas
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Kevin De Jesus Martinez
kitchen assistant
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Sara Esfahanizadeh
kitchen assistant
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Husam Kahel
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Dorota Sznerch
kitchen assistant
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Daria Khatskevych
kitchen assistant
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Bence Bánszki
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Baldvin I.E. Baldvinsson
Sevice and operational manager
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Basem el chaer el chaer
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Adibe Nnamdi
kitchen assistant
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Glenn Moyle
head Chef