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About Us

Globally Inspired Food, with a Smile

Ambrosial Kitchen provide high quality lunch time buffet food (known as hlaðborð in Icelandic) from two venues in Reykjavik. Whilst mainly servicing business professionals operating from the buildings we are located in, we also welcome locals and tourists to visit us during our trading hours

Our Story

Originally trading as "Glenn's Kitchen" in 2021 from Katrinatun, Reykjavik in Iceland, given our founder and head chef is Kiwi Glenn Moyle, we changed names in 2023 to become Ambrosial Kitchen. The name change reflects our company's growth to now being  a multi-venue business in Reykjavik with venues located in Katrinatun 4 and Dalvegur 30.


​Ambrosial means "exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; especially delicious or fragrant," and "worthy of the gods; divine". Brosa in Icelandic also means "to smile" so we thought this was the perfect name to convey our plans to offer incredible food, with a smile. 


​Glenn, the culinary king behind the business, has been a chef his whole life.  Leaving New Zealand at the age of 21 to play water polo in Holland, Glenn travelled the world, spending extended periods in a wide range of countries where he cheffed at a wide range of establishments including pubs in London frequented by Prince's William & Harry, castles in Scotland where he had an unlimited budget, cafes in the Greek Islands serving young travellers, as well as stints in Denmark, Norway, Australia, Honduras and many more. 

​Arriving in Iceland in 2003 for a summer of cheffing, he stayed on. Outside of the kitchen he is very active in the Icelandic water polo and cross fit scenes. 

​Glenn is supported by a team who herald from all over the world including France, Greece & Latvia, Ukraine, Argentina, Vietnam and Poland.

Together, each day they take diners on a culinary adventure around the world. One day you may be enjoying some authentic Asian eats, the next Italian, traditional English and more.

Join us for your lunch hour in one of our two Reykjavik locations or order takeout, catering or arrange a delivery to your office. Each day we lay out a range of dishes using only the freshest ingredients.


Most dietary requirements catered to including vegan, vegetarian, dairy and gluten free. Local and foreign cuisines with honest flavours.


We hope to see you soon!

Our Clients


© 2023 Made with Love by The Creative Collective.

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